The Green Johanna Chronicles

The story of hot compost and a rain barrel

Garage Sale Update – ALL DONE!

UPDATE:  7:19 p.m.

All done, not everything sold, but a surprising amount did go on both days.  CD’s were the big seller, and I think I made the mistake of selling them for 50 cents each.  Both computers sold in addition to a fancy dollhouse, vintage motorcycle gear, kids toys and books and clothing. 

In all, we cleared $460 dollars!  I was a lump the rest of the day and finally have the energy to write this down.  I owe a huge debt of gratitude to everyone who bought something, donated something or even just sent us good vibes!

So far, it’s a success.  We sold the laptop, lots of toys and shoes, a dvd player, tools, books, some clothes.  Most people were generous and a few made additional donations. 

Thank you to all the people who donated items to sell.  We all really appreciate this generosity. 

The most positive event today:  a sister from the convent attached to St. Brendan’s walked by and asked about our event.  Later, she returned with another sister with clothes to sell and a nice cash donation.

Negative, but ultimately forgettable event of the day:  a woman saw fit to steal an expensive velvet scarf and antique beaded evening purse.  How awful.

We’ll be back at it tomorrow, and we still have lots of things to sell!!

October 24, 2009 Posted by | Miscellaneous | 2 Comments

Ahhh Grasshopper…David Carradine has died

UPDATE:  It’s never good when Mark Geragos gets involved.  Of all the attorneys they could hire, why this bozo?


David Carradine’s character Kwai Chang Caine from the 70’s tv show Kung Fu was the inspiration for my blog post “Composting Is Like Cooking”.  I was a huge fan of the show as a kid, and thought he was fantastic in Kill Bill.

He was found dead in his hotel room in Bangkok.   Unidentified Thai authorities suggest it was suicide.  He was 72.  Sad news.

June 4, 2009 Posted by | Miscellaneous | | Leave a comment

Obama Takes Action on Environmental Standards

A relief! Obama signed two executive orders today, one directing the federal DOT to increase fuel efficiency standards on 2011 cars sold in the US and a second (and dear to my heart as a Californian) directing the EPA to review the decision not to grant the waiver to California to pursue more aggressive emissions standards.

January 26, 2009 Posted by | climate change, conservation, global warming, Miscellaneous | , , , , | Leave a comment

Life Yoga

I don’t love yoga, but I do embrace the principle of staying calm and centered while you are forced into uncomfortable, compromising and stressful positions.

So with that in mind, I had a great chat with my boss today, and he asked me if I felt more confident after handling a tough year, and a tough client. I replied, yes, and he agreed. The funny thing is, this was the exact conversation I had with my husband last night over the dishes.

We both remarked that this last year was like yoga for me – in terms of my career – it was a series of tough, challenging and uncomfortable positions, and I did my best to maintain a calm and centered attitude. Needless to say, much like when I try to do a headstand, I didn’t always accomplish this, but I ended up a better person for it.

December 30, 2008 Posted by | Miscellaneous | | 1 Comment

Back from a vacation in the sticks!

My in laws have a beautiful log cabin in Lake County.  We took our girls for a 5 day visit for Christmas.  It even snowed on Christmas Day!  It was a great vacation and we all enjoyed freezing our butts off!Country Christmas!

I didn’t get a picture, but there was the funniest example of composting I’ve ever seen – a neighbor of my in laws has decided to compost all the debris in her multiple acre property by creating neat piles, equidistant, about 30 – and cover all of them with pine boughs.  They look very strange as you drive past – like a hobbit village.

Unfortunately, I didn’t figure out what she was up to until we were driving out of town!

December 29, 2008 Posted by | composting, conservation, green lifestyles, Miscellaneous | , , , , , | Leave a comment


It’s been hailing off and on all afternoon.  It’s really coming down right now.  Got a quick picture when I went to get my little one from preshool.  Crazy weather!hail

December 15, 2008 Posted by | Miscellaneous, water harvesting | , , | Leave a comment

Wish I had a camera

Driving my oldest daughter to school this morning, we saw a gorgeous rainbow over the city.

December 15, 2008 Posted by | Miscellaneous, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment