The Green Johanna Chronicles

The story of hot compost and a rain barrel

Back from a vacation in the sticks!

My in laws have a beautiful log cabin in Lake County.  We took our girls for a 5 day visit for Christmas.  It even snowed on Christmas Day!  It was a great vacation and we all enjoyed freezing our butts off!Country Christmas!

I didn’t get a picture, but there was the funniest example of composting I’ve ever seen – a neighbor of my in laws has decided to compost all the debris in her multiple acre property by creating neat piles, equidistant, about 30 – and cover all of them with pine boughs.  They look very strange as you drive past – like a hobbit village.

Unfortunately, I didn’t figure out what she was up to until we were driving out of town!

December 29, 2008 - Posted by | composting, conservation, green lifestyles, Miscellaneous | , , , , ,

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