The Green Johanna Chronicles

The story of hot compost and a rain barrel

Johanna’s Compost Recipe

my-funny-girlsRemembering that composting is like cooking, each composter has a different “recipe” to follow.  Johanna’s recipe is 2 parts kitchen waste (greens and yucks) to one part brown (dead leaves etc. ).  I don’t have many leaves, but my children provided me with a solution – they ripped up a couple of paper bags from the market today.  There is my one part brown to my two parts green.  Thanks girls!

December 21, 2008 Posted by | composting, Composting 101, conservation | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More weird Johanna additions

Compost this, Johanna!

  • fried chicken bones
  • ranch dressing
  • left-over home made shallot vinagrette

All of these are compost no-no’s – lipids (fats), bones, meat.  I stirred it in, we’ll see if we have issues.

December 21, 2008 Posted by | composting, Composting 101, Green Johanna, green lifestyles | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Global Weirding…Thomas Friedman had it right

Global Weirding.. not just a cool turn of phrase.

My husband grew up in San Francisco. Moving back after a 10 year break was a shock to his system in many ways, the weather included.

In human terms, he was blown away at how Manhattan-ized his neighborhood had become, the increase in angry-self-absorbed-entitled people, and the exodus of the middle class.  His neighbors included a family that owned a gas station, a career PUC worker, and a family that had a cougar as a pet (now that is old-school San Francisco!)

In addition to all that, he says the weather has been one of the strangest changes. Heat waves that last a week, hail storms, drought, intense cold, these were abnormal, even unheard of. Now, they seem to be commonplace.

We’ve been here about a year and a half, so maybe it’s just a weird mini-cycle, but the weather down in LA (and I was there 15 years) was definitely getting more extreme in all ways.

December 21, 2008 Posted by | climate change, global warming, Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment