The Green Johanna Chronicles

The story of hot compost and a rain barrel


It’s been hailing off and on all afternoon.  It’s really coming down right now.  Got a quick picture when I went to get my little one from preshool.  Crazy weather!hail

December 15, 2008 Posted by | Miscellaneous, water harvesting | , , | Leave a comment

Wish I had a camera

Driving my oldest daughter to school this morning, we saw a gorgeous rainbow over the city.

December 15, 2008 Posted by | Miscellaneous, Uncategorized | , , | Leave a comment

Lookin’ Good!

Young compost...yummy

Young compost...yummy

I reneged on my promise not to photograph the inside of my composter.  I proudly present – young compost – beautiful and on the right track.  There is dairy, meat an bread in there somewhere.  It smells pretty good, and looks the way I think it should look at this early stage.  I’m pleased.  Johanna, you’re doing your job so far.

December 15, 2008 Posted by | Composting 101, Green Johanna | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Water Barrel is leaking!

UPDATE:  10:30 am.  I checked again, and since 6:30 am, the barrel has filled another 1/3.  That was quite a leak, since it really hasn’t rained much this morning.

Last night was a crazy night for rain – we were awakened at around 2 am by a thunderous downpour.  So in the morning, I went out to check the barrel first thing.

It was only about 1/3 of the way full, which seemed okay, but then I noticed a trickle coming from the aperture at the bottom.  Darn!  The barrel has been leaking!  We made a lame attempt at shutting off the valve, but I just attached a hose with a shut-off valve at it’s end to stop the leaking.

Later, when I can take a break from working (blogging isn’t taking a break, is it?), I’ll go down to the hardware store and get a short hose.

I wonder how much water we lost?

December 15, 2008 Posted by | water harvesting | | Leave a comment